Artstuebli magazine available at invisblehereos.net
The artstuebli art magazine is now available at invisblehereos.net!There is no doubt that Switzerland has got a huge market of qualitative graphic design.
Designers and freelancers create high-quality design day for day. Unfortunately we don’t hear or read anything from these creative heads very often.
artstuebli wants to be promoter, connector and platform for Swiss graphic design. We hope to create an exchange between the creatives of our country. And we want to bring the good creative work of Swiss designers closer to "normal" people.
With our first issue, we found our place in the Swiss design community. We look at it with curiosity and full of energy. We want to create a network of artists within this community.
artstuebli PDF-art-magazine no. 2 is dedicated to "Illustrations" in its various forms. It was designed by graphic studio "Hochzwei" in Basle. Within, Benjamin Güdel, Hausgrafik, Ata and Nudesign show us some of their creative work. We also introduce international young motion-freak "Renascent" from Holland. Then you`ll see some photos in "Balance-Photography", taken by Nico Schärer (who is on world tour with his "Balance-Mobile" at the moment). Dave Fuhrer presents his portfolio in "microbot" and Modul-Grafikdesign let us sneek a peek into their studio. And on the last pages we look back at the streetart event "Wordless" in Zurich. Look forward to the next 84 pages and enjoy.
We would be pleased if you would join us in our "artstuebli" and create something for our new magazine. We provide the possibility for you to introduce yourself and your work. Create with us!
Download: artstuebli art magazine